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Areal Sweep Efficiency

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Dyes et al. correlated the increase in areal sweep efficiency after breakthrough with the ratio of water volume injected at any time after breakthrough, Winj, to water volume injected at breakthrough, WiBT, as given by the following equation.



Dyes et al. also presented a graphical relationship that relates areal sweep efficiency with reservoir water cut fw and the reciprocal of mobility ratio 1/M.


Fassihi used a nonlinear regression model to reproduce these graphical relationships, by using the following expressions.






Where coefficients a1 to a6 in the above equation depend on the waterdrive mechanism; ie., Five Spot, Direct Line Drive or Staggered Line Drive.


An example calculation is shown below.




Dyes, A., Caudle, B., and Erickson, R., “Oil Production After Breakthrough as Influenced by Mobility Ratio,” JPT, April 1954


Fassihi, M., “New Correlations for Calculation of Vertical Coverage and Areal Sweep Efficiency,” SPERE, Nov. 1986


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