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Fillup to Water Breakthrough

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This is the period from fillup to water breakthrough at the producing wells.


During this stage, the oil production rate is essentially equal to the injection due to the fact that no free gas exists in the swept flood area. With continuous water injection, the leading edge of the water bank eventually reaches the production well,  and marks the time to water breakthrough.


The performance calculations, for this stage, are given by the following steps:


1.Calculate cumulative water injected at breakthrough by using the following equation :



2.Assume several values of cumulative water injected between Wif and WiBT and calculate the areal sweep efficiency at each value, using the following equation :



3.Calculate the conductance ratio γ for each assumed value of Winj, again from the following equation :





a1 to a7 are coefficients based on mobility ratio.

also, for an areal sweep efficiency of 100%, the conductance ratio equals the mobility ratio.


4.Calculate the water injection rate at each Winj step, from the following :



5.Calculate the oil flow rate during this stage from :



6.And finally, calculate the cumulative oil production from the following :









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