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Fit Corey Curves

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An often used approximation of relative permeability is the Corey correlation which is a power law relationship with respect to water saturation.


These equations are highlighted for completeness below.



A simple utility to curve fit Corey type curves for a relative permeability dataset.


Simply type the relative permeability numbers (or more conveniently copy [CTRL+C] and paste [CTRL+V], or drag and drop) into the Input Relative Permeability datatab, choose to input user endpoints or use the table values, then press the Best Fit button, as shown below.


The bestfit exponents of the Corey Relative Permeability equations will then be calculated.



The user can view the relative permeability data and fit in the chart provided, and can also choose to copy and paste the calculated Corey Relative Permeability data for use within other routines in this or other applications. To copy data from the datatab shown below, simply highlight and drag your selection within the table and press CTRL+C to copy to the clipboard.




Corey, A.T. "The Interrelation Between Gas and Oil Relative Permeabilities". Production Monthly, Nov 1954


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