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Composite Layer Performance

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To calculate the performance of all the other layers, in a multi layer reservoir that may differ in thickness, porosity, and permeability, the following calculation steps are applied.



Divide the reservoir into the required number of layers.


Calculate the performance of the base layer (layer n) from Start to Interference to Fillup to Water Breakthrough to End.


Obtain values of cumulative liquid volumes (NP, WP, Winj) and liquid rates (qo, qw, qwi) as a function of time t for the base layer (layer n).


For each layer, including the base layer n, calculate the following : ( k / f ), ( f . h ) and ( k . h )


For each reporting timestep, the following is calculated for each layer i . Where, n = base layer, i = layer i, NP*, WP*, Winj* = volumes at t*, qo*, qw*, and qwi* =rates at t*


The composite multi layer performance at each reporting timestep t is obtained by the summation of all the individual layer values.


The above calculation is only valid for reservoirs having equal initial gas saturation in each layer and insignificant producing rate prior to fillup.


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